M.B.B.S. (Govt. Medical College Aurangabad)
M.D. (Internal Medicine) (Govt. Medical College Aurangabad)
Bachelor of Indian Classical Vocal Music (Sangeet Visharad) (A. B. G. M.)
Masters of Indian Classical Vocal Music (Sangeet Alankar) (A. B. G. M.)
Ph. D. in Performing Indian Classical Vocal Music (Sangeet Acharya) (A. B. G. M.)
Jyotishya Visharad (Astrology and Para Psychology Academy Aurangabad)
She is trained in Naturopathy, Acupressure and Yoga
done Clinical Experience in Internal Medicine - 21 years
done Director- Research Cell - MGM University of Health Science, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
done Mediacal Teaching Experience - Undergraduate & Post Graduate Teacher in Medicine - 20 Years
done Professor of Medicine - MGM Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
done Director- MGM'S AIDS Research and Control Center (MGM-ARCON) - 11 years
done Incharge - Infectious Diseases - 12 years
done Incharge- Academic Activities for Post Graduate Medical Students 3 years
done Incharge - Academic Activities of MGM Medical College - 10 years
done Incharge - Academic Activities for Undergraduate Medical Students 12 years
done Undergraduate Examiner in Medicine -16 years and Post Graduate Teacher - 6 years
done Chairman-Research Committee, MGM Medical college Aurangabad
done Director- Rotary AIDS Cell - 8 years
done Director- MGM”S Adolescent Forum -11 years
done Director -MGM”S Ladies Forum “MUKTANGANA” - 11 years
done Director- MGM”S Social Forum - 11 years
done Director- MGM”S Senior Citizen Forum - 10 years
done Director- MGM”S Cultural Forum -11 years
done Member- Academic Council of MGM University Of Health Sciences
done Adviser & Founder - Rotaract Club Of MGM Medical College
done Adviser - “Maitreyee” Dyandeep Mandal - 27 years
done Past President - Rotary Club Of Aurangabad 2006-07
done Director - Rotary Cultural Forum - 8 years
done Adviser- Students Magazine, MGM Medical College Of Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India - 3 years
done Charter Rotary President - Rotary Club of Imperial City, Aurangabad 2009-2010
Rank Holder, Gold Medalist & Merit Student in First, Second & Third M.B.B.S.
Distinction (Honors) in Physiology
Faculty for HIV- AIDS in Regional & National Events
Member of State HIV-AIDS Education to School Children